where Heaven meets earth.

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.”

Matthew 6:10

Bringing Heaven to earth through the gateway of our hearts. God’s kingdom comes when the merciful love of Jesus touches the hearts of His people on earth.

meet sarina.

Having encountered the miraculous mercy of Jesus Christ in my own life, I have accepted His call for me “to be love and mercy in the heart of His Church” and to live that out through this apostolate, Kingdom Come. In short, I’m just a little pilgrim on the journey to our Heavenly Homeland and desire to bring as many souls with me as possible along the way.


  • prayer

  • retreats

  • spiritual accompaniment

  • pilgrimage

“To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Ephesians 3:21

  • "Sarina has a great reverence and love for Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist, and her desire to be with Jesus in prayer was contagious. There was little doubt in the minds of the young people that she loves them, and when we are loved we respond in a positive way!"

    Monsignor Tucker, Pastor at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Seward, NE

  • “Ms. Sarina Stokes personifies the verse "look to him that you might be radiant with joy". It's contagious. "

    Anonymous, Back to the Garden retreat attendee

  • "Sarina was excellent. She was an attentive listener and directed me to scripture passages that kept my prayer focused and attuned to the Lord. She gave me time...she was patient...and she was open. I felt that I could discuss anything with her. She listened with her heart....”

    Deacon John, Ignatian Directed Retreat

  • "Her contagious joy and genuine care for others shine through her work with women, youth, and young adults. Sarina is faithful to the Church and her commitment to a life of prayer is inspiring. She is open and attuned to the Holy Spirit, and I have witnessed the fruits of her ministry enriching our retreats... I am confident Sarina's gifts will continue to touch many lives."

    Fr. Gary Coulter, Director at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House, Waverly, NE